I love a good programming challenge and I always seek to automize parts of the research process without impacting the stories that can be unveiled by the data. Here are some of the R packages that I created with this aim (list to be updated) - I hope they serve you as much as they served me. I am looking forward to your feedback and suggestions!
Package compIndTools: Tools for computing and validating composite indicators across multiple years helped me easily create composite indicators, run thousands of simulations, and perform uncertainty analysis, while conveniently storing results locally.
Package regrExport: Results and goodness of fit tables for lm, plm, and glmer models helped me export regression results in formats that were ready to add to the research paper.
Package centralTendMeas: Central tendency measures is a nice package for computing the mean, median and mode values for vectors and each column in matrices (dataframes). Works for multimodal distributions also. I wrote the functions here for instructional purposes as examples for the course Basics of R programming language in statistical analysis.