Course aims
- Differentiating between different R objects (vector, matrix, data
frame, list) – generating the objects, properties, operations
- Visualizing data using base R graphics – bar charts, pie charts,
histograms, scatter plots, line charts
- Analyzing data using predefined R functions – statistical measures,
correlations, linear regression
- Writing an R code that uses control structures – for loops,
conditional statements
- Writing user defined functions – applications on writing the
functions for: statistical measures, correlations, linear
Upon completion of this course, the participants are independent R
users, being able to understand R code, write functions, and debug.
Also, they will be able to perform a statistical analysis in R
(visualizing, computing statistical measures, performing cross tab
analysis, and linear regressions).
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of descriptive
statistics and introductory econometrics terms (statistical population,
sample size, statistical variables, mean, median, mode, correlation,
linear regression).
Course structure
8 online meetings of 1h 30min each.
Meetings 1-2: Basic notions
Frames | Numerical representation of attributive variables:
- defining a vector, operations with vectors, vector properties,
computing absolute, relative frequencies
- defining a matrix, operations with matrices, matrix properties
- reading-writing a .csv file, setting a working directory
- generating random variables
B. R GRAPHS | Graphical representation of attributive
- bar charts, pie charts, histograms
Additionally proposed exercises cover: lists, data
extraction, grouped bar charts.
A. FOR LOOPS | Challenge: Mean values
- for loops, mean(), colMeans()
- compute the mean value of the values of a vector using functions
sum() and length()
- compute the mean value for each column in a matrix using for loops
and the functions sum() and length(), nrow() etc.
B. CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS | Challenge: Median values
- conditional statements, median(), matrixStats::colMedians()
- compute the median value of the values of a vector using if
statements, and length(), sort(), trunc() etc.
- compute the median value for each column in a matrix using for
loops, if statements, and length(), sort(), trunc() etc.
C. FUNCTIONS | Challenge: Mode values
- function()
- write a function that returns the mode of the values of a vector
along with the text “the mode is”
Additionally proposed exercises cover: variance, standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, quartiles, skewness, kurtosis,
automatic interpretation of results, data extraction, data
normalization, rolling windows.
Meetings 7-8: INDEPENDENT R CODING | Relations between
statistical variables
A. Cross-tab analysis
Participants receive a database and have 45 minutes to:
- Perform a cross-tab analysis between two quatitative variables
(scatter plot, Pearson’s correlation coefficient)
- Automate one interpretation/reporting aspect of their cross-tab
analysis - this could include, but is not restricted to:
- Export your graph into a .pdf, .png etc. file.
- Based on Pearson’s correlation coefficiend and a conditional
statement of one’s choice print: “Positive/Negative/No correlation”;
“High/medium/low correlation”; “low positive correlation”, “low negative
correlation” etc.; The correlation is 0.24 => low positive
correlation between salary and salbegin” etc.
- Save into a matrix and export into a .csv file the value of
Pearson’s correlation coefficient and the interpretation
- Add the Pearson’s correlation coefficient value (and the
interpretation) on the scatter plot.
- Create an interpretation function.
- Compute the correlation matrix for all the (the quantitative
continuous/) variables in the data set.
- Using a for loop, plot the scatter plots of multiple variables.
B. Linear regression model
Participants receive a database and have 45 minutes to:
- Run a linear regression and name it regression.
- Check one of the assumptions of the linear model: linearity of the
model, no perfect or near multicolinearity, homoskedasticity errors,
normality of the residuals.
- Perform one of the:
- Plot the dependent variable against an independent variable and add
the regression line/against all the quantitative independent variables
(for loop) and store all the scatter plots into a single .pdf file
- Store the correlation matrix/the regression results into a .csv file
- Interpret the result of the test of the assumptions of the linear
model (conditional statement), R-squared, coefficients, a coefficient -
if statistically significant etc.
Additionally proposed exercises
For each meeting, I provide a list of proposed extra-exercises for
those interested (rBasics_Meeting no._exercises.pdf). These
exercises are of 4 types (hopefully supporting many different learning
- Comment
- Reproduce
- Produce
- Debug
To cover the diverse backgrounds and interests of the participants,
these exercises included short examples of:
- Data extraction (from a .pdf file, Yahoo, Eurostat)
- Creating sub-datasets with rolling windows
- Data pre-processing (normalization)
In 2020 and 2021, I instructed the course free of charge to a
selected number of UBB FSEGA graduates in collaboration with
Multicultural Business Institute. The materials in the GitHub repository
belong to the 2021 edition.
Course structure and coding style
My teaching style is highly influenced by the ones of my excellent
professors and colleagues at UBB FSEGA, in particular by professor
Cristian Litan. Also, I am grateful to Anna Keresztes and Marcos
Dominguez for their positive influence on my coding style while working